Hanover Association, Inc. is organized pursuant to Alabama’s Condominium Act and is governed by its Declaration, By-laws, Articles of Incorporation, and Rules adopted by its Board of Directors.

To ensure the highest level of property enjoyment, the Board strictly enforces its governing documents. Violators are subject to fines that are, under Alabama law, collectible as mortgages.

Declaration, Articles of Incorporation, & By-Laws










Direct Payment Authorization












Resident Information Form

Pet Registration Form

Transfer of Ownership Form












Any Amendments to these  instruments will be at the end of the PDF.  One should check with the Jefferson County Probate Records to ensure nothing has been recorded and is effective that may not be up to date on this website.  Such amendments are on file in the Jefferson County, Alabama Probate Judge’s   Office.


Hanover Association Strictly  Enforces   its Rules , Regulations, Documents,   & Alabama Law to   make Hanover’s property enjoyable to  its   residents.


If you would like to set up an automatic payment draft for your dues, please fill out the direct payment authorization form to the left, attach a voided check from the account you want to use, and mail to

Cameron Travis & Company, P.C.
ATTN: Hanover Association, Inc.
2109 Devereux Circle
Birmingham, AL 35243

It is your responsibility to find out when the draft will start and make arrangements to manually pay until said start date. If you would like to stop your draft you must do so by indicating this in writing. It is your responsibility to find out if the draft can be stopped prior to the next scheduled draft.